Foreword is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
All technical contents of this part are compulsory.
GB 5959 consists of the following 13 parts under the general title Safety in electroheat installations:
——Part 1: General requirements;
——Part 2: Particular requirements for arc furnace installations;
——Part 3: Particular requirements for induction and conduction heating and induction melting installations;
——Part 4: Particular requirements for safety resistance heating installations
——Part 41: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment - Heating and melting glass equipment;
——Part 5: Particular requirements for plasma installations;
——Part 6: Specifications for safety in industrial microwave heating equipment;
——Part 7: Particular requirements for installations with electron guns;
——Part 8: Particular requirements for electroslag remelting furnaces;
——Part 9: Particular requirements for high-frequency dielectric heating installations;
——Part 10: Particular requirements for electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications;
——Part 11: Particular requirements for installations for electromagnetic stirring, transport or pouring of metal liquids;
——Part 13: Particular requirements for electroheat installation with explosive atmosphere.
This part replaces GB 5959.5-1991 Safety in electroheat installations - Part 5: Specifications for safety in plasma installations. The main changes with respect to the latter are as follows:
——“this standard” is replaced by “this part”;
——"plasma gun" is replaced by "plasma torch";
——This part no longer applies to welding, cutting and surfacing equipment (see the last paragraph of Clause 1 hereof);
——The relevant references on arc welding equipment are deleted;
——The structure of the standard is changed: the equipment composed of plasma torch, power supply, working gas, cooling assembly and control unit is taken as a whole to form the plasma torch system, and then the plasma torch system and the equipment with such a system are classified according to the ignition mode and the availability of furnace chamber (reactor), and the applicable tests and measurements are specified respectively for them;
——the safety requirements for the circuit are added (see 4.1.2 and 4.2.2 hereof);
——the safety requirements for the power supply are added (see 4.1.3 and 4.2.3 hereof);
——the safety requirements for the ignition device are added (see 4.1.8 and 4.2.8 hereof);
——the safety requirements for plasma system control are added (see 4.1.9 and 4.2.9 hereof);
——“Radio interference” is deleted (see 4.8 of Edition 1991);
——Noise, electromagnetic radiation, particles, ultraviolet radiation safeguard and fire protection requirements are added (see 6.6 to 6.10 hereof);
——The clause on safety requirements for plasma furnace equipment is deleted (see Clause 6 of Edition 1991);
——“Maintenance of plasma system and installations" is added (see Clause 7 hereof);
——Annex A “Measurement of insulation resistance and dielectric strength test” in the previous edition is deleted;
——The new Annex A “Threshold of electromagnetic radiation around the torch system in operation” is added;
——The bibliography is added.
This part was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee 121 on Industrial Electroheat Equipment of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 121).
The previous edition of this part is as follows:
——GB 5959.5-1991.
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 5: Particular requirements for plasma installations
1 Scope
The safety requirements specified in this part of GB 5959 apply to:
a) Thermal plasma torch systems:
——Arc plasma systems;
——Induction plasma systems.
b) Installations with a plasma torch system:
——Spraying equipment;
——Solid, liquid and gaseous furnace charge heating and chemical heat treatment equipment.
This part specifies the safety requirements for all components of plasma torch systems and installations with a plasma torch system, including electrical equipment, cooling line, gas supply line, furnace or reactor, and all other equipment related to the use of the furnace or the reactor.
See GB/T 15579.7-2005 for safety and structural requirements for plasma torches used in welding, cutting and related processes.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2900.23-2008 Electrotechnical terminology - Industrial electroheat (IEC 60050-841: 2004, IDT)
GB 4824-200 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance properties - Limits and methods of measurement (CISPR 11: 2003, IDT)
GB 5959.1-2005 Safety in electroheat installations - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60519-1: 2003, IDT)
GB/T 10066.5-2014 Test methods for electroheat installations - Part 5: Plasma equipment for electroheat and electrochemical applications (IEC/TS 60680: 2008, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.23-2008, GB 5959.1-2005 and GB/T 10066.5-2014 apply.
4 Safety requirements for thermal plasma systems - design and installation properties
4.1 Arc plasma torch system
4.1.1 General requirements
See GB 5959.1-2005.
4.1.2 Circuit
See GB 5959.1-2005, Clause 6. In addition, GB 5959.1-2005, 6.4.1 applies to the entire installation.
4.1.3 DC arc power supply
The following specific requirements apply to systems with a DC arc power supply. Grounding of power supply
The pole (either positive or negative, depending on polarity of the torch) on the DC side of the arc power supply shall be grounded with a grounding conductor independent of the main grounding conductor of the system to prevent possible leakage current from flowing to the circuits, e.g. the circuit for torch control. Connection between the power supply and the torch
When the torch is disconnected, the cable on the DC side shall be grounded through the grounding switch to ensure safe operation of the torch.
Prior to arc ignition, operations shall be conducted according to the prescribed procedures, which may be realized by manual locking/unlocking device (usually by a safety key), and it shall be specially confirmed that the main circuit breaker is online and the grounding switch is switched off. In addition, the ignition procedures may be started by the operator with the clear button. This procedure shall comply with the current regulations of the country where the equipment is installed.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Safety requirements for thermal plasma systems - design and installation properties
4.1 Arc plasma torch system
4.1.1 General requirements
4.1.2 Circuit
4.1.3 DC arc power supply
4.1.4 Torch socket, plug and connecting cable
4.1.5 Torch
4.1.6 Cooling line
4.1.7 Gas line
4.1.8 Ignition device
4.1.9 Control of the arc plasma system
4.2 Induction plasma system
4.2.1 General requirements
4.2.2 Circuit
4.2.3 Power supply
4.2.4 Torch sockets, plugs and connecting cables
4.2.5 Torch
4.2.6 Cooling line
4.2.7 Gas line
4.2.8 Ignition device
4.2.9 Control of the induction plasma system
5 Safety requirements for device with a plasma torch - design and device properties
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Spraying equipment
5.3 Heating and chemical heat treatment equipment
6 Operation of plasma systems and installations
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Protective tools for operators
6.3 Start and shut down
6.4 Protection against toxic substances easily generated during torch operation
6.5 Overheating protection
6.6 Noise protection
6.7 Electromagnetic radiation protection
6.8 Particle protection
6.9 Ultraviolet radiation protection
6.10 Fire protection
6.11 Damage prevention for cables, liquid cooling and hydraulic lines
7 Maintenance of the plasma systems and installations
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Special requirements
8 Nameplates, markings and technical documentation
Annex A (Informative) Threshold of electromagnetic radiation around the torch system in operation