1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to strengthen quality administration of en¬ergy efficient building construction, unify energy efficient building construction quality acceptance and enhance the energy efficiency of construction engineering in accordance with the current national laws, regulations, administration requirements and relevant technical standards.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to acceptance of construction quality of wall, curtain walls, doors and windows, roofing, floor, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, heating & cooling sources and pipe networks of air-conditioning and heating systems, power distribution & lighting as well as monitoring & control in construction, exten¬sion and renovation of civil building engineering.
1.0.3 Requirements on construction quality adopted in all and any engineering technical documents and contracting documents for energy efficient works shall be not be lower than the requirements specified in this code.
1,0.4 Quality acceptance of energy efficient building construction shall not only be complied with the requirements specified in this code, but also shall meet the require¬ments of "Unified Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering" GB 50300, codes for acceptance of construction quality of professional engineering and those in the current relevant national standards.
1.0.5 Completion acceptance of unit engineering work shall be conducted only after the divisional work of building efficient engineering is accepted qualified.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Insulating mortar
Mortars constituted by gelatinous powders and polyphenyl granules or other insula¬ting lightweight aggregates, ready to use by mixing with water in proportions.
2.0.2 Bay window
Windows protruding out of the outer side of exterior wall.
2.0.3 Outside doors and windows
Doors or windows contacting the outdoor air in building envelopes.
2.0.4 Shading coefficient
Ratio between solar heat gain through window glass and that through the standard 3mm window glass.
2.0.5 Transparent curtain wall
Curtain wall that allows visible light to directly into the room.
2.0.6 Luminaire efficiency
Ratio between overall luminous flux of a luminaire and overall luminous flux emit¬ted by all light sources in the luminaire.
2.0.7 Total harmonic distortion (THD)
Ratio between root-mean-square value of harmonic content and that of fundamental component in periodic alternating component (indicated by percentage)
2.0.8 Unbalance factor ε
Contents Foreword 1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirements 3.1 Technologies & Management 3.2 Materials & Equipments 3.3 Construction & Control 3.4 Classification of Acceptance 4 Energy Efficient Work of Wall 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Dominant Items 4.3 General Items 5 Energy Efficient Work of Curtain Wall 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Dominant Items 5.3 General Items 6 Energy Efficient Work of Doors & Windows 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Dominant Items 6.3 General Items 7 Energy Efficient Work of Roofing 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Dominant Items 7.3 General Items 8 Energy Efficient Work of Floor 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Dominant Items 8.3 General Items 9 Energy Efficient Work of Heating 9.1 General Requirements 9.1.1 This chapter is applicable to quality acceptance of energy efficient works of indoor hot water central heating system with temperature not exceeding 95°C. 9.2 Dominant Items 9.3 General Items 10 Energy Efficient Work of HVAC 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Dominant Items 10.3 General Items 11 Energy Efficient Work of Refrigerating & Heating Source and Pipe Networks of Air-conditioning & Heating System 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Dominant Items 11.3 General Items 12 Energy Efficient Work of Power Distribution & Lighting 12.1 General Requirements 12.2 Dominant Items 12.3 General Items 13 Energy Efficient Work of Monitoring & Control 13.1 General Requirements 13.2 Dominant Items 13.3 General Items 14 Site Inspection of Building Energy Efficiency Work 14.1 In-situ Inspection of Building Envelope 14.2 Testing on System Energy Efficient Performance 15 Quality Acceptance of Divisional Work of Building Energy Efficiency Appendix A Reinspection Items of Materials & Equipments on Construction Site of Building Energy Efficient Works Appendix B Forms for Quality Acceptance of Building Energy Efficient Divisional, Sub-divisional Works & Inspection Lots Appendix C Inspection of Energy Efficient of External Wall with Core Drilling Method Explanation of Wording in This Code