Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for household appliances , electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements that apply to the emission of radio-frequency disturbances in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz from appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus as defined below, whether powered by AC or DC (including a battery).
This document is applicable to the following equipment:
——household appliances or similar equipment;
Note 1: Examples are equipment used:
——for typical housekeeping functions in the household environment, which includes the dwelling and its associated buildings, the garden, etc.;
——for typical housekeeping functions in shops, offices, commercial and other similar working environments;
——on farms;
——by clients in hotels and other residential type environments;
——for induction cooking or air-conditioning, either in residential or commercial environments.
——electric tools;
Note 2: Examples of electric tools include electric motor-operated or electromagnetically driven hand-held tools, transportable tools, lawn and garden machinery.
——similar apparatus.
Note 3: Examples are:
——external power controllers using semiconductor devices;
——motor-driven electro-medical equipment;
——electric/electronic toys;
——personal care and beauty care appliances;
——automatic goods-dispensing machines;
——entertainment machines;
——cine or slide projectors;
——battery chargers and external power supplies for use with products under the scope of this document;
——electric fence energisers.
Also included in the scope of this document are separate parts of the above mentioned equipment such as motors and switching devices (e.g. power or protective relays). However, no emission requirements apply to such separate parts, unless otherwise stated in this document.
Products which incorporate radio transmit/receive functions are included in the scope of this document.
Equipment under the scope of this document making use of IPT is also in the scope.
Excluded from the scope of this document are:
——equipment for which all emission requirements in the radio-frequency range are explicitly formulated in other IEC/CISPR standards;
Note 4: Examples are:
——luminaires, including portable luminaires for children, discharge lamps and other lighting devices under the scope of GB/T 17743;
——information technology equipment, e.g. home computers, personal computers, electronic copying machines under the scope of GB/T 9254.1;
——audio/video equipment and electronic music instruments other than toys under the scope of GB/T 9254.1;
——mains communication devices, as well as baby surveillance systems;
——equipment which is under the scope of GB 4824 (e.g. microwave ovens) but be aware of 6.5 on multifunction equipment (e.g. for another function requiring click measurements)
——radio controls, walkie-talkies and other types of radio-transmitters;
——arc welding equipment.
——equipment intended to be used only on a vehicle, ship or aircraft;
——equipment used only in industrial environment;
——the effects of electromagnetic phenomena relating to the safety of the equipment.
Multifunction equipment may be required to comply with clauses in this and other standards. The details are given in 6.5.
The emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU including their spurious emissions.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6113.102-2018 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Coupling devices for conducted disturbance measurements (CISPR16-1-2:2014, IDT)
GB/T 6113.103-2021 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods- Part 1-3: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment - Disturbances power (CISPR16-1-3:2016, IDT)
GB/T 6113.104-2021 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements (CISPR16-1-4:2019, IDT)
GB/T 6113.202-2018 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power (CISPR16-2-2:2010, IDT)
GB/T 6113.402-2022 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods- Part 4-2: Uncertainties,statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty (CISPR16-4-2:2018, IDT)
Note: There is no technical difference between the content referenced in GB/T 6113.402-2022 and CISPR16-4-2/AMD1:2014.
GB/T 9254.1-2021 Information technology equipment,multimedia equipment and receivers - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1: Emission requirements (CISPR 32:2015, MOD)
Note: There is no technical difference between the content referenced in GB/T 9254.1-2021 and CISPR 32:2015.
GB/T 17626.20-2014 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguide (IEC 61000-4-20:2010, IDT)
GB/T 17626.22-2017 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emissions and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs) (IEC 61000-4-22:2010, IDT)
IEC 60050-161 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (lEV) - Part 161: Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 61000-4-20 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniques Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides
IEC 61000-4-22 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emission and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs)
CISPR 16-1-1:2015 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
reference ground plane; RGP
fIat, conductive surface that is at the same electric potential as reference ground, which is used as a common reference, and which contributes to a reproducible parasitic capacitance with the surroundings of the EUT
Note 1: A reference ground plane is needed for the measurements of conducted disturbances, and serves as reference for the measurement of unsymmetrical and asymmetric disturbance voltages.
Note 2: In some regions, the term ‘reference earth’ is used in place of ‘reference ground’.
[SOURCE: CISPR 16-2-1 2014+AMD1:2017, 3.1.25]
common mode absorption device; CMAD
device applied on cables leaving the test volume in radiated emission measurements to reduce the compliance uncertainty
[SOURCE: GB/T 6113.104-2021, 3.1.7, modified.]
Radio frequency; RF
frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum that is between the audio-frequency portion and the infrared portion
Note 1: The RF spectrum is generally accepted to be from 9 kHz to 3 000 GHz.
pulse-repetition-frequency (PRF) dependent conversion (mostly reduction) of a peak-detected impulse voltage level to an indication that corresponds to the interference effect on radio reception
[SOURCE: CISPR 16-2-1:2014, 3.1.29, modified.]
3.3 Terms and definitions related to click analysis
switching operation
operation of opening or closing a switch or contact
Note 1: Switches can be mechanical (including electro-mechanical relays) or electronic (thyristors, transistors).
Note 2: Switching operations are used to control/enable the operation of a device/load (e.g. a motor or a heating element) and have the potential of generating discontinuous disturbances.
Note 3: Switching operations occur at a random rate (e.g. for the purpose of temperature control) or predetermined rate (e.g. as part of automatic program controls).
Note 4: The occurrence of switching operations is not necessarily associated with the generation of disturbances classified as clicks (see 3.3.3 definition)
discontinuous disturbanee
impulsive disturbance that appears as an abrupt and transitory increase of the disturbance level caused by switching operations
Note 1: The spectral density of discontinuous disturbances is broadband. Their subjective effect varies with repetition rate, duration and amplitude. These parameters are captured with suitable time domain instrumentation (e.g. click analyser).
Note 2: Other impulsive disturbances appear as broadband (e.g. those generated by commutation in brush motors) but the repetition rate is higher than that typical of switching operations.
discontinuous disturbance, having an amplitude exceeding the quasi-peak limit for continuous disturbance, the duration of which is not longer than 200 ms and which is separated from a preceding or subsequent disturbance by at least 200 ms, where the durations are determined from the signal which exceeds the i.f. reference level of the measuring receiver or from the instantaneous peak signal which exceeds the quasi-peak limit for continuous disturbance
Note 1: A click can comprise one or more pulses, see 4.4.1.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references
1范围 本文件规定了频率范围在9kHz~400GHz的射频骚扰的发射要求,适用于以下定义的家用电器电动工具和类似器具,无论其供电方式是交流还是直流(包括电池)。本文件适用于下列设备: 家用电器或类似用途设备; 注1:设备应用的示例如下: --用于家庭环境中的典型家政功能,包括住宅及其相关建筑、花园等:-用于商店、办公室、商业和其他类似工作环境中的典型家政功能; --用于农场里; --由顾客用于酒店和其他居住类型环境下: -用于居住或商业环境中的感应烹饪或空气调节。 电动工具; 注2:电动工具的示例包括电动机驱动或电磁驱动的手持式工具、可移式工具、草坪和花园机械类似器具。 注3:示例如下: --使用半导体器件的外部电源控制器; --电动医疗设备: --电玩具; -个人护理和美容护理电器; --自动售货机; --游艺机; --电影放映机或幻灯片投影仪: --与本文件范围内的产品一起使用的电池充电器和外部电源; --电栅栏激励器。 包括在本文件范围内的还有上述提及设备的单独部件,诸如电机和开关装置(如电源或保护继电器)。然而,除非本文件另有规定,否则对这些单独部件没有发射要求。 本文件范围内应用IPT技术的设备也在此范围内。不包括在本文件范围内的有: 在其他IEC/CISPR对应的国家标准中明确地提出其射频范围内所有发射要求的设备; 注4:示例如下: --灯具,包括儿童用可移式灯具、放电灯和其他在GB/T17743范围内的照明设备; --信息技术设备,如在GB/T9254.1范围内的家用电脑、个人计算机、电子复印机; 音频/视频设备和在GB/T9254.1范围内除玩具外的电子乐器: 电网通信装置,包括婴儿监控系统: -属于GB4824范围内的设备(例如微波炉),但需注意6.5中的多功能设备(例如需要喀呖声测量的另一功能): 无线电控制装置、对讲机和其他类型的无线电发射机; -电弧焊设备。 -仅用于车辆、船舶或飞机上的设备; 仅用于工业环境中的设备; 与设备安全有关的电磁现象的影响。 多功能设备可能需满足本文件和其他标准的条款的要求。详见6.5。 本文件的发射要求不适用于由国际电信联盟(ITU)定义的无线电发射机的有意发射,包括他们自身的杂散发射。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T6113.102-2018无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-2部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 传导骚扰测量的耦合装置(CISPR16-1-2:2014,IDT) GB/T6113.103-2021无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-3部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备辅助设备骚扰功率(CISPR16-1-3:2016,IDT) GB/T6113.104-2021无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-4部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备辐射骚扰测量用天线和试验场地(CISPR16-1-4:2019,IDT) GB/T6113.202-2018无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第2-2部分:无线电骚扰 和抗扰度测量方法骚扰功率测量(CISPR16-2-2:2010,IDT) GB/T6113.402-2022无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测最方法规范第4-2部分:不确定度 统计学和限值建模测量设备和设施的不确定度(CISPR16-4-2:2018,IDT) 注:GB/T6113.402-2022被引用的内容与CISPR16-4-2/AMD1:2014被引用的内容没有技术上的差异。 GB/T9254.1-2021信息技术设备、多媒体设备和接收机电磁兼容第1部分:发射要求(CISPR 32:2015.MOD) 注:GB/T9254.1-2021被引用的内容与CISPR32:2015被引用的内容没有技术上的差异。GB/T17626.20-2014电磁兼容试验和测量技术横电磁波(TEM)波导中的发射和抗扰度试验(IEC61000-4-20:2010.IDT) GB/T17626.22-2017电磁兼容试验和测量技术全电波暗室中的辐射发射和抗扰度测量(IEC 61000-4-22:2010.1DT) IEC60050-161 国际电工词汇(IEV)第161部分:电磁兼容(International Electrotechnical Vo-cabulary(lEV)-Part 16l:Electromagnetic compatibility) 注:GB/T4365-2003电工术语电兼容[IEC60050(161):1990,IDT] IEC61000-4-20电磁兼容第4-20部分:试验和测量技术横电磁波(TEM)波导中的发射和抗扰度试验[Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)-Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniquesEmission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides IEC61000-4-22电磁兼容第4-22部分:试验和测量技术全电波暗室中的辐射发射和抗扰度测量[Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques-Radiated emission and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs) CISPR16-1-1:2015 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-1部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 测量设备(Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatusand methods-Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus-Measuring apparatus)
3.2.4 参考接地平面reference ground plane;RGP 一种平的导电表面,其电位与参考地相同,用作公共参考电位,有助于与EUT及周边物体之间形成可复现的寄生电容。 注1:传导骚扰测量需要参考接地平面,其作为非对称和不对称骚扰电压测量的参考地。 注2:在某些地区,用“参考大地”代替“参考地”。 来源:CISPR 16-2-1:2014+AMD1:2017.3.1.25] 3.2.5 共模吸收装置common mode absorption device;CMAD 辐射发射测量中,施加在离开试验空间后的电缆上以减小符合性不确定度的装置 [来源:GB/T6113.104-2021,3.1.7,有修改] 3.2.6 射频radiofrequency;RF 在音频部分和红外部分之间的电磁频谱的频率 注:RF频谱通常被认为在9kHz~3000GHz之间。 3.2.7 加权weighting 将峰值检波的脉冲电压电平转换成与脉冲重复率(PRF)相关的一种指示(多数情况下减小),以对应于干扰对无线电接收的影响。 「来源:CISPR16-2-1:2014,3.1.29,有修改] 3.3喀呖声分析相关的术语和定义 3.3.1 开关操作switching operation 开关或触点的分断或闭合操作 注1:开关能是机械的(包括机电继电器)或电子的(品闸管、品体管)。 注2:开关操作是用于控制/使能一个设备/负载(如电机或加热元件)的操作,并有产生断续骚扰的可能, 注3:开关操作以随机动作率(例如,为了温度控制)或预设动作率(如作为自动程序控制的一部分)发生。 注4:开关操作的发生不一定与被归类为喀呖声的骚扰的产生有关(见3.3.3定义)。 3.3.2 断续骚扰 diseontinuous disturbanee 表现为由开关操作引起的骚扰电平突然和短暂升高的脉冲骚扰。 注1:断续骚扰的频谱密度是宽带的。其主观效果随重复率,持续时间和幅度而变化。这些参数用合适的时域仪器(如喀呖声分析仪)捕捉。 注2:其他脉冲骚扰表现为宽带(如由有刷电机换向产生的脉冲),但重复率比典型的开关操作要高。 3.3.3 喀呖声 click 断续骚扰,其幅度超过连续骚扰准峰值限值,持续时间不大于200ms,而且该骚扰离前或后一个骚扰至少200ms。持续时间由超过测量接收机中频参考电平的信号或由超过连续骚扰准峰值限值的瞬时峰值信号确定。 注1:一个喀呖声可能包含一个或多个脉冲,见4.4.1。 5.6.1 应急启动功能 自动应急启动功能 应急照明控制器接收到火灾报警信号后,应在3s内控制系统按预设逻辑进入自动应急状态,发出声光指示。 一键启动功能 应急照明控制器应具有一键启动按钮控制系统进入手动应急状态的功能,并满足下述要求: a)手动操作应急照明控制器的一键启动按钮,应急照明控制器应在3s内控制系统按预设逻辑进入手动应急状态,发出声光指示; b)一键启动按钮应独立设置,不应与其他功能的按键合用。 5.6.2 故障报警功能 当发生5.6.2.2~所列故障时,应急照明控制器应在100s内发出与启动信号有明显区别的故障声、光信号,故障声信号应能手动消除,当有新的故障时,故障声信号应能再次启动;故障光信号在故障排除前应保持。 当发生下述故障时,应急照明控制器应显示故障类型;故障期间,不应影响控制器的应急启动功能和指示状态改变功能: a)主电源欠压; b)备用电源的充电器与备用电源之间的连接线开路、短路; c)与备用电源之间的连接线开路、短路; d)系统的月自检、季度自检采用手动控制方式,且月自检、季度自检计时期满7d后尚未进行手动月自检、季度自检。 当应急照明控制器配接的系统设备发生下述故障时,应急照明控制器应显示、记录故障设备类型、部位信息和故障发生时间: a)应急照明控制器与应急照明配电箱或应急照明集中电源间通信故障; b)应急照明配电箱或应急照明集中电源与其配接的灯具间通信故障; c)应急照明配电箱的主电源断电; d)应急照明集中电源的主电源断电,配接灯具的输出回路开路、过负荷或短路保护装置动作; e)应急照明集中电源的蓄电池电源管理单元的充电回路和放电回路开路、短路; f)应急照明集中电源的蓄电池电源管理单元的充电电压不符合5.7.7.2的规定; g)灯具的光源故障; h)自带电源型灯具的充电回路开路、短路或主电源欠压; i)应急照明控制器配接的系统设备的季度自检持续时间小于5.6.6的规定时。 5.6.3 复位功能 应急照明控制器的复位功能满足下述要求: a)系统应急启动后,手动操作应急照明控制器的复位按键(钮)或开关,应急照明控制器应在3s内向其配接的系统设备发出复位控制信号,显示并记录复位时间; b)系统应急启动后,区域型应急照明控制器接收到集中型应急照明控制器的复位指令后,应在3s内向其配接的系统设备发出复位控制信号,显示并记录复位时间。 5.6.4 操作级别 应急照明控制器应能防止非专业人员操作,操作级别应满足表8要求。 表8 应急照明控制器操作级别划分表 序号 操作项目 Ⅰ Ⅱa Ⅲa Ⅳb 1 查询信息 O M M — 2 消除应急照明控制器的声信号 O M M — 3 复位、一键启动、一键检查、手动自检 P M M — 4 系统月自检、季度自检的手、自动转换 P M M — 5 接通、断开或调整控制器主、备电源 P M M — 6 分区编程 P P M — 7 修改或改变软、硬件 P P P M 8 记录删除 P P P M 注:“P”为禁止;“O”为可选择;“M”为本级人员可操作;“—”为不适用。 a 进入Ⅱ、Ⅲ级操作功能状态采用钥匙、操作号码,用于进入Ⅲ级操作功能状态的钥匙或操作号码能进入Ⅱ级操作功能状态,但用于进入Ⅱ级操作功能状态的钥匙或操作号码不能用于进入Ⅲ级操作功能状态。 b Ⅳ级操作功能不能通过控制器本身进行。 5.6.5 主、备电自动转换功能 应急照明控制器的主、备电自动转换功能满足下述要求。 a)主电源和蓄电池电源应能自动转换,主电源断电后,应自动转换到蓄电池电源供电;主电源恢复后,应自动切换到主电源供电。 b)应能正确指示其主、备电源的工作状态。 c)主电源、蓄电池电源的转换不应使应急照明控制器产生误动作。 5.6.6 系统自检功能 应急照明控制器应能控制其配接的系统设备完成5.2.4规定的系统自检,且应急照明控制器的系统自检功能满足下述要求。 a)系统保持主电源持续供电48h后,每隔(30±2)d,应自动或手动操作应急照明控制器发出系统月自检启动控制信号,发出声光指示,显示并记录系统自检类型和开始时间;系统自检持续5.2.4规定的月自检持续时间后,应急照明控制器应发出月自检结束控制信号,显示并记录自检类型和结束时间。 b)在完成2次月自检后(30±2)d,应能自动或手动操作应急照明控制器发出系统季度自检启动控制信号,发出声光指示,显示并记录系统自检类型和开始时间;系统自检持续5.2.4规定的季度自检持续时间后,应急照明控制器应发出季度自检结束控制信号,显示并记录自检类型和结束时间。 c)系统的月自检、季度自检采用手动控制方式时,应急照明控制器应在月自检、季度自检计时期满后发出自检提示音,并保持至手动操作月、季度自检开始,提示音每分钟至少提示一次,每次持续时间应为1s~3s。 d)季度自检完成或系统应急启动且进行系统复位后,应急照明控制器的月自检应重新计时,月自检次数应自动清零。 5.6.7 主电源断电控制功能 非火灾状态下,系统设备主电源断电后,应急照明控制器的控制功能满足下述要求: a)接收到与其连接的应急照明集中电源或应急照明配电箱反馈的主电源断电连锁控制信号后,应进入主电源断电持续应急时间计时; b)在未达到设定时间时,应急照明控制器接收到应急照明集中电源或应急照明配电箱反馈的主电源恢复供电状态信号后,应自动退出主电源断电持续应急时间计时; c)达到设定时间,且未接收到应急照明集中电源或应急照明配电反馈的主电源恢复供电状态信号时,应急照明控制器应在3s内向应急照明集中电源或应急照明配电箱发出停止主电源断电应急的控制信号; d)主电源断电持续应急时间应在应急照明控制器上设置,且不应超过30min。 5.6.8 信息显示、记录和查询功能 应急照明控制器的信息显示、记录和查询功能满足下述要求。 a)应能显示其主电源和备用电源的工作状态。 b)应能记录和查询与其配接系统设备的工作状态和设置部位信息。 c)配接应急照明集中电源时,应能接收并显示5.7.9规定的应急照明集中电源运行参数信息。 d)应能接收、显示、记录和查询火灾自动报警系统的火灾报警输出信号、火灾报警区域信号、消防联动控制信号。 e)应能显示、记录和查询系统的应急启动信息、复位信息、系统自检信息和系统设备故障信息。 f)配接指示状态可变标志灯具时,应急照明控制器应能以图形方式显示设置场所的疏散指示方案、其配接系统设备的工作状态和设置部位信息;应急照明控制器不能以图形方式显示上述信息时,应配接疏散专用消防控制室图形显示装置(以下简称“图显装置”),图显装置应满足附录E的要求。 g)配接具有人员定位功能的灯具时,应能显示位置信息和人员数量信息。 h)应急救援人员佩戴定位设备搜救时,应能显示应急救援人员的位置信息。 5.6.9 一键检查功能 应急照明控制器应具有一键手动检查其配接系统设备工作状态的功能,且应急照明控制器的一键检查功能满足下述要求: a)手动操作应急照明控制器的一键检查按钮,应急照明控制器应能自动检查和显示其配接系统设备的类别和数量,处于正常工作状态设备的类别和数量,处于故障状态的系统设备的类别、数量和设置部位信息; b)一键检查功能按键(钮)或开关应独立设置,不应与其他功能的按键合用。 5.6.10 设备自检功能 应急照明控制器应能对本机及面板上所有指示灯(器)、显示器(屏)、音响器件进行功能检查。 5.6.11 指示状态改变功能 配接指示状态可变标志灯具的应急照明控制器,在接收到消防联动控制器发送的火灾报警区域信号或联动控制信号后,应在3s内发出控制相应标志灯具指示状态改变的启动信号,发出声光指示,显示并记录控制灯具指示状态改变的启动时间。