Amendment 1 to national standard GB 27887-2011 Restraining devices for child occupants of power-driven vehicles
This amendment was approved on October 14, 2019 by the State Administration for Market Regulation (Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China) and implemented as of October 14, 2019.
"GB 6675.3-2014 Safety of toys - Part 3: Flammability (ISO 8124-2:2007, MOD)" is added in the normative references.
"ISO 2575:2004 Road vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales” is added in the normative references.
“GB 6675 National safety technical code for toys" is revised as: "GB 6675.4-2014 Safety of toys - Part 4: Migration of certain elements (ISO 8124-3:2010, MOD)" in the normative references.
II. Subclause 4.2.5
"The manufacturer of child restraint system shall declare in writing that the toxicity of the materials used for manufacturing child restraint system and the child susceptibility to the materials are consistent with GB 6675. This subclause is not applicable to the child restraint system of Group II and Group III." in the original standard is revised as "The manufacturer of child restraint system shall declare in writing that the limit of migratory element in the materials used for manufacturing child restraint system that are accessible to children shall meet the requirements of GB 6675.4-2014. This subclause is not applicable to the child restraint system of Group II and Group III. "
III. Subclause 4.2.6
"The manufacturer of child restraint system shall declare in writing that the combustion characteristics of the materials used for manufacturing child restraint system shall meet the requirements of GB 8410." in the original standard is revised as "The manufacturer of child restraint system shall declare in writing that for non-built-in child restraint systems, when the materials used for manufacturing child restraint system are tested according to the method specified in GB 6675.3-2014, 5.4, the flame spreading speed shall not exceed 30mm/s, or the flame shall extinguish by itself before reaching the second marking line; for built-in child restraint systems, the combustion characteristics of the materials used for manufacturing child restraint system shall meet the requirements of GB 8410."
IV. Subclause
"ISOFIX child restraint systems of Class A and Class B shall be tested according to the requirements of and" in the original standard is revised as "ISOFIX child restraint systems of Class A, Class B and Class B1 shall be tested according to the requirements of and"
V. Subclause 6.3.1
"If the initial values of impact deformation and deceleration peak are required, the test seat cushion shall be calibrated after every 50 dynamic tests or at least every month (whichever comes first). If the test equipment is used frequently, calibration shall be carried out before each test." in the original standard is revised as "In order to obtain the initial values of impact deceleration peak, the new test seat cushion shall be calibrated after every 50 dynamic tests or at least every month (whichever comes first)."
VI. Subclause 6.3.3
"The deviation between the recorded peak value and the initial peak value shall not exceed 15%." in the original standard is revised as "The impact deceleration peak value recorded in the first calibration shall be 18±3g, and the deviation between the impact deceleration peak value recorded in the subsequent calibration and that recorded in the first calibration shall not be greater than 15%."
VII. Subclause 8.4
"For rearward-facing child restraint system, ……The label shall indicate the following information in both Chinese and English: …… (see Figure 11)." in the original standard is revised as "For rearward-facing child restraint system, ……The label shall indicate the following minimum information: …… see Figure 11)."
Wherein, Figure 11 is revised as follows:
Figure 11 Warning label style of child restraint system
VIII. Subclause 9.3.17
"It shall be clearly indicated in the warning that no stress point other than those marked can be used, and this warning shall also be marked on the child restraint system." in the original standard is revised as: "It shall be clearly indicated in the warning that no stress point other than those described in the explanatory documents and marked on the child restraint system shall be used.”
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 General Specifications 5 Particular Specifications 6 Tests 7 Test Report 9 Instructions Appendix A (Informative) Structural Changes of This Standard over ECE R Appendix B (Normative) Arrangement of Apparatus for Dust Resistance Test Appendix C (Normative) Corrosion Test Appendix D (Normative) Abrasion and Microslip Test Appendix E (Normative) Description of Trolley Appendix F (Normative) Curve of Trolley's Deceleration or Acceleration, as Function of Time Appendix G (Normative) Description of Dummy Appendix H (Normative) Frontal Impact Test Procedure Appendix I (Normative) Rear Impact Test Procedure Appendix J (Normative) Additional Anchorages Required for Attaching Child Restraints in the Semi-universal Category to Motor Vehicles Appendix K (Normative) Chair Appendix M (Normative) Standard Safety-belt Appendix P (Informative) Explanatory Notes Appendix Q (Normative) Test of Energy Absorbing Material Appendix R (Normative) Method of Defining Head Impact Area of Devices with Backrests and for Rearward-facing Devices Defining the Minimum Size of Side Wings Appendix S (Normative) Description of Conditioning of Adjusters Mounted Directly on Child Restraint Systems Appendix T (Normative) Typical Buckle Strength Test Device Appendix U (Normative) Dynamic Crash Test Installation Appendix X (Normative) Lower Torso Body Block Test Figure 1 ISOFIX Anchorages System Sketch Map Figure 2 Example of ISOFIX Attachments Figure 3 Maximum Dimensions of ISOFIX Child Restraint System Attachment Figure 4 Dimensions of ISOFIX Top Tether Connector (Hook Type) Figure 5 Arrangement for Testing a Forward-facing Device Figure 6 Arrangement for Testing a Rearward-facing Device Figure 7 Arrangement for Testing Child Restraint Devices Group 0, Not Supported by the Dashboard Figure 8 Arrangement for Testing Child Restraint Devices, Except Group 0, Not Supported by the Dashboard Figure 9 Class A Device Figure 10 Schematic Layout of Class B Lock-Off Device Test Figure 11 Warning Label Pattern for Child Restraint System Figure 12 Pictogram of Logo ISOFIX Figure 13 Graphic Symbols Figure 14 Instruction Diagram Figure B.1 Arrangement of Apparatus for Dust Resistance Test Figure D.1 Procedure Type Figure D.2 Procedure Type Figure D.3 Microslip Test Figure E.1 Arrangement of Testing a Rearward-facing Device Figure E.2 Dimensions of the Seat and the Seat Cushions Figure E.3 Dimensions of the Aluminum Bottom-plate(Aluminum Plate before Bending) Figure E.4 Dimensions of the Cover Material Figure E.5 3- Dimensional View of Seat Figure E.6 Stopping Device Frontal Impact Dimensions Figure E.7 Overall Dimension of Stopping Device Olive-shaped Knob Figure E.8 Internal Dimension of Stopping Device Olive-shaped Knob Figure E.9 Stopping Device Rear Impact Dimension Figure E.10 Polyurethane Tube Dimension Figure E.11 Arrangement of Anchorages for Test Trolley Figure E.12 Arrangement Figure of Anchorages for Test Trolley Figure E.13 Anchorage Point H1 and H Figure F.1 Curve of Trolley's Deceleration or Acceleration, as Function of Time in Frontal Impact Figure F.2 Curve of Trolley's Deceleration or Acceleration, as Function of Time in Rear Impact Figure G.1 Principal Dimensions of Dummy Figure G.2 Calibration of the Neck Cable Figure G.3 Calibration of Atlas-Axis Joint Figure G.4 Calibration of Hip Joint Figure G.5 Calibration Knee Joint Figure G.6 Calibration of Shoulder Joint Figure G.7 Calibration of Elbow Joint Figure G.8 Calibration of Lumbar Cable Figure G.9 Calibration of Lumbar Cable Figure G.10 Principal Dimensions of Infant Dummy Figure G.11 Calibration of Shoulder Stiffness Figure G.12 Calibration of Leg Joint Figure G.13 Principal Dimensions of the 18 Months Dummy Figure G.14 Calibration of Lumbar Spine Figure G.15 Calibration of Abdomen Figure G.16 Calibration of Neck Figure K.1 Inner Height of Child Restraint System Chair Figure M.1 Standard Seat Belt Configurations Figure M.2 Typical Standard Anchorage Plate Figure M.3 Central Part of the Standard Belt Configuration Figure M.4 Pillar Loop Figure Q.1 Headrest Figure S.1 Operation Method of Adjuster Figure T.1 Typical Buckle Strength Test Device Figure U.1 Dynamic Crash Test Installation Figure X.1 Truncated P10 Dummy Block Figure X.2 Booster Pull Test Using Dummy Block Table 1 Corresponding Relationship between the Mass Group and ISOFIX Size Category Table 2 Possible Configurations for Approval Groups / Categories Table Table 3 Dynamic Test Conditions for Different Test Types Table 4 General Conditions FOR Abrasion Test Procedure Table 5 Channel Frequency Class Table 6 Dimensional Tolerance in the Test Table A.1 Chapter and Article Contrast between This Standard and ECE R Table E.1 Characteristics of Polyurethane Foam Used for the Back and Seating Table E.2 Characteristics of Sun Shade Cloth Table E.3 Characteristics of the Absorbing Material A Table E.4 Characteristics of the Absorbing Material B(ASTM D2000) Table F.1 Definition of the Different Curves in Frontal Impact Table F.2 Definition of the Different Curves in Rear Impact Table G.1 Mass of Different Components by Age Group Table G.2 Dimensions of Seated Dummy Table G.3 Principal Dimensions of the "New-born" Dummy Table G.4 Mass Distribution of the "New-born" Dummy Table G.5 Mass Distribution of the 18 Months Dummy Table G.6 Principal Dimensions of the 18 Months Dummy