This standard specifies the emission limit of water and air pollutants for typical processing and device in synthetic leather and artificial leather industrial enterprise.
This standard is applicable to the emission management of water and air pollutants for typical processing and device in existing synthetic leather and artificial leather industrial enterprise.
This standard is applicable to the environmental impact assessment, environment protection facility design, completion acceptance of environmental protection as well as the emission management of water and air pollutants after commissioning for synthetic leather and artificial leather industrial construction project.
This standard only applies to legal pollutants emission; the site selection of new pollution sources and the management of existing pollution source within special protected zone are in accordance with "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution", "Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment".
The emission control requirements of water pollutants specified in this standard are applicable to the behavior of the enterprises discharging water pollutants to the environmental water.
In the case of enterprise discharging waste water to the urban drainage system equipped with wastewater treatment plant, the emission control requirements of pollutants is determined through negotiation of the enterprise and urban wastewater treatment plant according to the wastewater treatment capacity or according to the relevant standards, it then shall be submitted to the local environmental protection competent department for record; the urban wastewater treatment plant shall ensure that the emission pollutants reach the related requirements for emission standard.
Where the construction projects are intended to discharge waste water to the urban drainage system equipped with wastewater treatment plant, it shall be implemented by the construction organization and urban wastewater treatment plant according to the above provisions.
2 Normative References
The following documents or provisions therein are quoted in this standard.
GB/T 6920-1986 Water Quality - Determination of pH Value - Glass Electrode Method
GB/T 7478-1987 Water Quality - Determination of Ammonium - Distillation and Titration Method
GB/T 7479-1987 Water quality - Determination of ammonium - Nessler
GB/T 7481-1987 Water Quality - Determination of Ammonium - Spectrophotometric Method with Salicylic Acid
GB/T 11890-1989 Water Quality - Determination of Benzene and Its Analogies - Gas Chromatographic Method
GB/T 11893-1989 Water Quality - Determination of Total Phosphorus - Ammonium Molybdate Spectrophotometric Method
GB/T 11894-1989 Water Quality - Determination of Total Nitrogen UV Spectrophotometric Method - Alkaline Potassium Persulfate Digestion Method
GB/T 11901-1989 Water Quality - Determination of Suspended Substance - Gravimetric Method
GB/T 11903-1989 Water Quality - Determination of Colority
GB/T 11914-1989 Water Quality - Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand - Dichromate Method
GB/T 16758-1997 The Classification and Technical Specification of Exhaust Hood
GB/T 16157-1996 The Determination of Particulates and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source
GBZ/T 160.62-2004 Methods for Determination of Amides in the Air of Workplace
GBZ/T 160.55-2004 Methods for Determination of Aliphatic Ketones in the Air of Workplace
GBZ/T 160.42-2007 Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Air of Workplace
HJ/T 195-2005 Water Quality - Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen - Gas-phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
HJ/T 199-2005 Water Quality - Determination of Total Nitrogen - Gas-phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
HJ/T 399-2007 Water Quality - Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand - Fast Digestion-Spectrophotometric Method
Decree of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.28 Management Method on Automatic Supervisory Control of Pollution Source
Decree of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.39 Environmental Monitoring Management Method
3 Terms and Definitions
Foreword I 1 Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Requirements for Pollutant Emission Control 5 Pollutant Monitoring Requirements 6 Implementation and Supervision Appendix A (Informative) Requirement for Gas Gathering Appendix B (Normative) Determination Method of Particulate in Waste Gas Appendix C (Normative) Technical Guide for VOCs Monitoring