This standard specifies the terms, definitions, product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation, storage and standard implementation of ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles (E10).
This standard is applicable to the ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles (E10) which is produced by adding certain amount of denatured fuel ethanol and additive for improving service performance in the oxygen compounds-free liquid hydrocarbon.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 259 Petroleum Products — Determination of water-soluble acids and alkalis
GB/T 503 Test Method for Knock Characteristics of Motor and Aviation Fuels by the Motor Method
GB/T 511 Petroleum Products and Additives — Method for Determination of Mechanical Admixtures (Gravimetric Method)
GB/T 1884 Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products — Laboratory Determination of Density — Hydrometer Method
GB/T 1885 Petroleum Measurement Tables
GB/T 4756 Petroleum Liquids — Manual Sampling
GB/T 5096 Petroleum Products; Corrosiveness to copper — Copper Strip Test
GB/T 5487 Test Method for Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels by the Research Method
GB/T 6536 Petroleum Products - Determination of Distillation
GB/T 8017 Petroleum Products; Determination of Vapour Pressure; Reid Method
GB/T 8018 Gasoline; Determination of oxidation Stability; Induction Period Method
GB/T 8019 Standard Test Method for Gum Content in Fuels — By Jet Evaporation
GB/T 8020 Gasoline; Determination of Lead Content; Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
GB/T 11132 Standard Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Petroleum Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption
GB/T 11140 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
GB 13690 General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals
GB 18350 Denatured Fuel Ethanol
GB/T 22030 Blendstocks of Ethanol Gasoline for Motor Vehicles
GB 30000.7-2013 Rules for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals — Part 7: Flammable Liquids
SH 0161 Rules for Packaging, Storage, Transportation, and Inspection upon Delivery of Petroleum Products
SH/T 0174 Aromatics and Light Petroleum Products — Mercaptan Qualitative Test Method (Doctor test)
SH/T 0246 Light Petroleum Products — Determination of Water Content (Coulometric Method)
SH/T 0253 Light Petroleum Products — Determination of Total Sulfur (Coulometric Method)
SH/T 0604 Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products — Determination of Density — Oscillating U-tube Method
SH/T 0663 Standard Test Method for Determination of Certain Alcohols and Ethers in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
SH/T 0689 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons Motor Fuels and Oils by Ultraviolet Fluorescence
SH/T 0693 Standard Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, P/M-Xylene, O-Xylene, C9 and Heavier Aromatics, and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
SH/T 0711 Standard Test Method for Manganese in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
SH/T 0712 Standard Test Method for Iron In Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
SH/T 0713 Standard Test Method for Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
SH/T 0720 Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective Flame Ionization Detection
NB/SH/T 0741 Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrocarbon Types Composition in Gasoline by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography
SH/T 0794 Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Mini Method)
ASTM D7039 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel by Monchromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Antiknock index
One half of the sum of research octane number (RON) and motor octane number (MON).
[GB 17930-2013, definition 3.1]
Denatured fuel ethanol
Fuel ethanol which is not suitable for drinking after being added with denaturant.
[GB 17930-2013, definition 3.3]
Ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles (E10)
The fuel used for spark ignition engine, which is made by adding 10% (volume fraction) denatured fuel ethanol into oxygen compounds-free blendstocks of ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles.