This chapter deals with the selection of equipment and its erection. It shall provide compliance with the measures of protection for safety, the requirements for proper functioning for intended use of the installation, and the requirements appropriate to the external influences foreseen. Every item of equipment shalt be selected and erected so as to allow compliance with the rules stated in the following clauses of this chapter and the relevant rules in other chapters of this standard.
53.2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.
GB 14821.1-93 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Protection against Electric Shock (eqv IEC 364-4-41: 1992)
GB 16916-1997 Residual Current Operated Circuit - Breakers without Integral Overcurrent Protection for Household and Similar Uses (RCCB) (idt IEC 1008: 1990)
GB 16917-1997 Residual Current Operated Circuit - Breakers with Integral Overcurrent Protection for Household and Similar Uses (RCBO) (idt IEC 1009:1991)
IEC 269-3: 1987 Low - voltage Fuses - Part 3: Supplementary Requirements for Fuses for Use by Unskilled Persons (Fuses Mainly for Household and Similar Applications)
IEC 364-4-43: 1977 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 43: Protection against Overcurrent
IEC 364-4-473: 1977 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 47: Application of Protective Measures for Safety - Section 473: Measures of Protection against Overcurrent
IEC 364-4-482: 1982 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 48: Choice of Protective Measures as a Function of External Influences - Section 482: Protection against Fire
IEC 364-6-61: 1986 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 6: Verification - Chapter 61: Initial Verification
IEC 364-7-705: 1984 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 7: Requirements for Special Installations or Locations - Section 705: Electrical Installations of Agricultural and Horticultural Premises
Note: GB 9815-88 adopts by reference to IEC 269-3 and IEC 241; JB 4011.3-85 adopts by reference to IEC 269-3.
530 General and Common Requirements
The requirements of this chapter are supplementary to the common rules given in chapter 51 of IEC 364-5.
530.1 The moving contacts of all poles of multipole devices shall be so coupled mechanically that they make and break substantially together, except that contacts solely intended for the neutral may close before and open after the other contacts.
530.2 Except as provided in 537.2.4, in multiphase circuits, single-pole devices shall not be inserted in the neutral conductor.
In single-phase circuits single-pole devices shall not be inserted in the neutral conductor, unless a residual current device complying with the rules of clause 413.1 of IEC: 364 is provided on the supply side.
530.3 Devices embodying more than one function shall comply with all the requirements of this chapter appropriate to each separate function.
531 Device for Protection against Indirect Contact by Automatic Disconnection of Supply
Foreword I Foreword of IEC 364-5-53 II Foreword of IEC 364-5-537 III Preface of IEC 364-5-537 IV 53 Switchgear and Controlgear 530 General and Common Requirements 531 Device for Protection against Indirect Contact by Automatic Disconnection of Supply 532 Devices for Protection against Thermal Effects 533 Devices for Protection against Overcurrent 534 Devices for Protection against Overvoltage 535 Devices for Protection against Undervoltage 536 Devices for Isolation and Switching (See IEC 364-5-537) 537 Devices for Isolation and Switching 539 Co-ordination of Various Protective Devices