Hygienic Standards for Detergent for Food Tools and Installations
Issued on January 24, 1994 Implemented on August 01, 1994
Issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
GB 14930.1-1994
Hygienic Standards for Detergent for Food Tools and Installations
1 Subject Content and Application Scope
This standard specifies the hygienic requirements for detergent for food tools and installations.
This standard is applicable to the detergent prepared with substances such as washing regent and exclusively used for washing food tools, installations, vegetables and fruits.
2 Normative References
GB 2760 "Hygienic Standards for Uses of Food Additives"
GB 4789.2 "Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene-Detection of Aerobic Bacterial Count"
GB 4789.3 "Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene-Detection of Coliform Bacteria"
GB 5009.11 "Method for Determination of Total Arsenic in Food"
GB 5009.60 "Method for Analysis of Hygienic Standard of Products of Polyethylene Polystyrene and Polypropyrene for Food Packaging"
GB 9985 "Detergents for Dish Washing"
GB 9986 "The Methods of Test for Dish Washing Detergents"
3 Terms
Food tools and installations: refer to machinery, pipe, conveyor belt, container, instrument, tableware, etc. contacted during production and operation process of food.
4 Sensory Index
The product shall be free from impurity or peculiar smell. The liquid product shall be free from layering, suspension or precipitation. The particle and powder products shall be free from agglomeration.
5 Physical and Chemical Indexes
The physical and chemical indexes are detailed in Table 1.
Table 1
Item Index
Arsenic (by As in 1% solution), mg/kg≤
Heavy metal (by Pb in 1% solution), mg/kg≤
Anticorrosive agent
Fluorescent brightening agent 0.05
According to the requirements of GB 2760
According to the requirements of GB 2760
Shall not be detected
6 Microbiological Index
Microbiological index is detailed in Table 2.
Table 2
Item Index
Aerobic bacterial count, piece/g ≤ 1000
Coliform bacteria, piece/100g ≤ 3
7 Examination Method
7.1 Sensory index shall be implemented according to GB 9986.
7.2 Determination of total arsenic shall be implemented according to GB 5009.11.
7.3 Determination of heavy metal (by Pb) shall be implemented according to 5 in GB 5009.60.
7.4 Determination of fluorescent brightening agent shall be implemented according to GB 9986.
7.5 Determination of aerobic bacterial count shall be implemented according to GB 4789.2.
7.6 Determination of Coliform bacteria shall be implemented according to GB 4789.3.
Additional Explanation:
This standard was proposed by the Health Supervision Department of the Ministry of Health.
This standard was drafted by Tianjin Institute of Food Safety Control and Inspection and Institute of Food Safety Control and Inspection, Ministry of Public Health.
Chief drafting staffs of this standard: Zheng Pengran, Bai Jingyu, Yang Shude and Li Youhui.
The technical administrative organization of Health Institute of Food Safety Control and Inspection, Ministry of Public Health deputed by the Ministry of Health is responsible for the explanation of this standard.
NOTE: The English version has been translated by Codeofchina.com directly from the Chinese Standard GB 14930.1-1994. In the event of any discrepancy in the process of implementation, the Chinese version shall prevail.
UDC 683.92:648.541.56 C 53
中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 14930.1—94
食品工具、设备用洗涤剂卫生标准 Hygienic standards for detergent for food tools and installations