This standard specifies the classification, shielding devices, technical construction and performance requirements for radiation protection, control and test methods, codes and markings of radionuclide gauges designed for permanent installation.
This standard is applicable to radionuclide gauges designed for permanent installation (hereinafter referred to as radionuclide gauges or gauges).
This standard is not applicable to the following gauges which, because of their design, and due to the nature and the low activity of the sources they contain, are not subject to general rules regarding supply and possession of artificial radionuclides nor is it applicable to ion generators (smoke fire detectors, static eliminators, etc.).
GB 8993.12 Basic requirements and methods for environmental test of nuclear instrumentation - Salt spray test
Foreword i 1 Subject content and application scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms 4 Classification of radionuclide gauges 5 General requirements 6 Classification of gauges according to safety performance 7 Test methods 8 Gauge codes and markings 9 Accompanying documents Additional explanation: