This standard is applicable to raw sugar, white granulated sugar, soft sugar, brown granulated sugar, brown sugar, cube sugar and rock candy, etc. produced from sugar cane and beet.
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 raw sugar
cane sugar crystal with the sugar cane juice cleaned, scoured and crystallized, and with molasses from centrifugal honey separation, which is not used for direct consumption
2.2 white granulated sugar
cane sugar crystal produced with sugar cane or sugar beet as raw materials and after such processes as sugar juice extraction, cleaning handling, scouring and crystallization and honey separation, etc.
2.3 soft sugar
the sugar produced with sugar beet or sugar cane as the raw materials and after such processes as sugar juice extraction, cleaning handling, scouring and crystallization, honey separation and adding appropriate amount of invert syrup, which is tiny in grain, pure white in color and soft in texture
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Terms and Definitions 3 Technical Requirements Annex A Inspection Method for Acarid