This standard specifies the dimension, shape, technical requirements, test methods, acceptance rules, as well as packaging, marking and quality certificate for stainless steel bars.
This standard is applicable to hot-rolled and forged stainless steel bars with the dimensions no more than 250 mm and the chemical composition also applicable to steel ingots and billets.
2 Normative references
GB 222 Method of sampling steel for determination of chemical composition and permissible variations for product analysis
GB 223 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy
GB 226 Etch test for macrostructure and defect of steels
GB 228 Metallic materials - Tensile testing
GB 229 Metallic materials - Charpy impact test (U-notch)
GB 230 Metallic materials-Rockwell hardness test
GB 231 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test
GB 233 Metallic materials - Forging test
GB 702 Hot-rolled round and square steels - Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance
GB 704 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot-rolled flats
GB 705 Hot-rolled hexagonal and octagonal steel bars - Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerance
GB 908 Forged round and square steels - Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance
GB 1979 Standard diagrams for macrostructure and defect of structural steels
GB 2101 General requirement of acceptance, packaging, marking, and certification for section steel
GB 2975 Rules for sampling in mechanical and technological testing of steel products
GB 4334.1 Method of 10 percent oxalic acid etch test for stainless steels
GB 4334.2 Method of ferric sulfate-sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB 4334.3 Method of 65 percent nitric acid test for stainless steels
GB 4334.4 Method of nitric-hydrofluoric acid test for stainless steels
GB 4334.5 Method of copper sulfate-sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB 4334.6 Test method for stainless steels in 5% sulfuric acid
GB 4340 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test method
GB 6394 Metal-methods for estimating the average grain size
GB 6397 Metallic materials - Test pieces for tensile testing
GB 10121 Steel products - Method for magnetic particle inspection of tower sample
GB 10561 Steel - Determination of content of non-metallic inclusion - Micrographic method using standard diagrams
YB 47 Testing method of hair cutting pattern in tower lathe
YB 201 Varieties of flat steel forged by structural steel
3 Classification
3.1 Steel bars shall be classified by the processing methods to be used into the following two types. The processing methods used for the steel bars shall be indicated in the contract, and those not indicated shall be regarded as machining.
a steel for press working (hot press working, billets for upset forging and cold drawing);
b steel for machining.
1 Subject content and applicable scope 2 Normative references 3 Classification 4 Dimension, shape and tolerance 5 Technical requirements 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Packaging, marking and quality certificate Annex A (Informative) Characteristics and uses of stainless steel Annex B (Informative) Comparison table of stainless steel designations in this Standard and those of other Countries