1 Scope and field of application
This standard describes the method for determining the colour co-ordinates of paint films. The method is only applicable to determining the colour of reflected light, i.e., paint films that appear to be uniformly of one colour, i.e. monochromatic, when examined with normal vision. Paint films that do not completely hide a non-transparent substrate represent an opaque system and may be measured by using the procedure described in this standard. Luminescent paint films, transparent paint films and translucent paint films (for example for displays or lamp glass), retroreflecting paint films (for example for traffic signs), and metallic paint films are outside the scope of this standard.
2 Normative references
GB 1727 General preparation of paint film
GB 1764 Methods of test for measurement of dry film thickness of paints
GB 3186 Sampling paint products
GB 3977 Methods of colour specification
GB 3978 Standard illuminants and illuminating-viewing conditions
GB 3979 Methods of measuring the colour of materials
GB 9271 Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing
GB 9278 Temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing of paint specimens
GB 11186.1 Methods for measuring the colour of paint films - Part 1: Principles
GB 11186.3 Methods for measuring the colour of paint films - Part 3: Calculation of colour differences
3 Principle
1 Scope and field of application
2 Normative references
3 Principle
4 Choice of illumination and viewing conditions
5 Choice of standard colorimetric observer and standard illuminant
6 Apparatus
7 Sampling and preparation of test specimens
8 Reflectance standards
9 Procedure
10 Test report