This standard applies to metal-oxide surge arrester without gaps (hereinafter referred to as "arrester") designed to limit overvoltage on AC power system.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties who enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these documentations are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 191-2000 "Packaging-Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods" (eqv ISO 780:1997)
GB 311.1-1997 "Insulation Co-ordination for High Voltage Transmission and Distribution Equipment" (neq IEC 60071-1:1993)
GB/T 311.2-2002 "Insulation Co-ordination-Part 2: Application Guide forInsulation Co-ordination for High Voltage Transmission and Distribution Equipment" (eqv IEC 60071-2:1996)
GB/T 775.1-2000 "Test Method for Insulators-Part 1: General Test Methods"
GB/T 775.3-2006 "Test Method for Insulators-Part 3: Mechanical Test Methods"
GB/T 2423.17-1993 "Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products-Test Ka: Salt Mist Test Method" (eqv IEC 68-2-11:1981)
GB/T 2423.22-2002 "Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods-Test N: Change of Temperature" (IEC 60068-2-14:1984, IDT)
GB/T 2900.19-1994 "Electrotechnical Terminology-High-voltage Test Technique and Insulation Co-ordination"
GB 3906-2006 "Alternating-current Metal-enclosed Switchgear and Controlgear for Rated Voltages above 3.6kV and up to and Including 40.5kV" (IEC 62271-200:2003, MOD)
GB/T 4585-2004 "Artificial Pollution Tests on High-voltage Insulators to Be Used on A.c. Systems" (IEC 60507:1991, IDT)
GB/T 6553-2003 "Test Methods for Evaluating Resistance to Tracking and Erosion of Electrical Insulating Materials Used under Severe Ambient Conditions" (IEC 60587:1984, IDT)
GB/T 19519-2004 "Composite Insulators for A.c. Overhead Lines with a Nominal Voltage Greater than 1000V-Definitions,Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria" (IEC 61109:1992, MOD)
IEC 60068-2-42:2003 "Environmental Testing-Part 2-42: Tests-Test Kc: Sulphur Dioxide Test for Contacts and Connections"
IEC 60815:1986 "Guide for the Selection of Insulators in Respect of Polluted Conditions"
IEC 61166:1993 "High-voltage Alternating Current Circuit-breakers-Guide for Seismic Qualification of High-voltage Alternating Current Circuit-breakers"
CISPR 16-1:1999 "Specification for Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus and Methods-Part 1: Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus"
CISPR 18-2:1986 "Radio Interference Characteristics of Overhead Power Lines and High-voltage Equipment-Part 2: Methods of Measurement and Procedure for Determining Limits"
JB/T 7618-1994 "Leakage Test for Surge Arresters-Bath Method"
JB/T 9673-1999 "Packet of Insulators"
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
The terms used in this standard shall comply with this standard, in addition, the rest shall comply with GB/T 2900.12-2008 and GB/T 2900.19-1994.
Metal-oxide surge arrester without gaps
Arrester having non-linear metal-oxide resistors connected in series and/or in parallel without any integrated series or parallel spark gaps.
Non-linear metal-oxide resistor
Part of the surge arrester which, by its non-linear voltage versus current characteristics, acts as a low resistance to overvoltages, thus limiting the voltage across the arrester terminals, and as a high resistance at normal power-frequency voltage (non-linear metal-oxide resistor, hereinafter referred to as "resistor").
Internal grading system of an arrester
Grading impedances, in particular grading capacitors connected in parallel to one single or to a group of non-linear metal-oxide resistors, to control the voltage distribution along the metal-oxide resistor stack.
Grading ring of an arrester
Metal part, usually circular in shape, mounted to modify electrostatically the voltage distribution along the arrester.
Section of an arrester
Complete, suitably assembled part of an arrester necessary to represent the behaviour of a complete arrester with respect to a particular test. A section of an arrester is not necessarily a unit of an arrester.
Unit of an arrester
Completely housed part of an arrester which may be connected in series and/or in parallel with other units to construct an arrester of higher rated voltage and/or higher nominal discharge current rating. A unit of an arrester is not necessarily a section of an arrester.
Pressure-relief device of an arrester
Means for relieving internal pressure in an arrester and preventing violent shattering of the housing following prolonged passage of fault current or internal flashover of the arrester.
Rated voltage of an arrester
Maximum permissible r.m.s. value of power-frequency voltage between its terminals at which it is designed to operate correctly under temporary overvoltage conditions as established in the operating duty tests (see 8.5).
Note 1: The rated voltage is used as a reference parameter for the specification of operating characteristics.
Note 2: The rated voltage as defined in this standard is the 10s power-frequency voltage used in the operating duty test after high-current or long-duration impulses.
Tests used to establish the voltage rating in IEC 60099-1, as well as some national standards, involve the application of repetitive impulses at nominal current with power-frequency voltage applied. Attention is drawn to the fact that these two methods used to establish rating do not necessarily produce equivalent values (a resolution to this discrepancy is under consideration).
Continuous operating voltage of an arrester
Designated permissible r.m.s. value of power-frequency voltage that may be applied continuously between the arrester terminals in accordance with 8.5.
Rated frequency of an arrester
Frequency of the power system on which the arrester is designed to be used.
Disruptive discharge
Phenomenon associated with the failure of insulation under electric stress, which include a collapse of voltage and the passage of current.
Note 1: The term applies to electrical breakdowns in solid, liquid and gaseous dielectric, and combinations of these.
Note 2: A disruptive discharge in a solid dielectric produces permanent loss of electric strength. In a liquid or gaseous dielectric the loss may be only temporary.
Puncture; breakdown
Disruptive discharge through a solid.
Disruptive discharge over a solid surface.
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Identification and Classification 4.1 Arrester Identification 4.2 Arrester Classification 5 Standard Ratings and Service Conditions 5.1 Standard Rated Voltages 5.2 Standard Rated Frequencies 5.3 Standard Nominal Discharge Currents 5.4 Service Conditions 6 Technical Requirements 6.1 Insulation Withstand of the Arrester Housing 6.2 Reference Voltage 6.3 Residual Voltages 6.4 Internal Partial Discharges 6.5 Sealing Performance of the Arrester 6.6 Current Distribution in a Multi-column Arrester 6.7 Thermal Stability 6.8 Long-duration Current Impulse Withstand 6.9 Operating Duty 6.10 Power-frequency Voltage Withstand versus Time Characteristics of an Arrester 6.11 Short-circuit Test 6.12 Disconnector 6.13 Requirements for Arrester Accessories 6.14 Mechanical Loads of an Arrester 6.15 Electromagnetic Compatibility 6.16 End of Life 6.17 Lightning Impulse Discharge Capability 6.18 Continuous Current of an Arrester 6.19 Leak Current at 0.75 Ud.c.ref 6.20 High Current Impulse Withstand 6.21 Pollution Resistance of an Arrester 6.22 Packing, Transport and Keeping of an Arrester 7 Test Requirements 7.1 Measuring Equipment and Accuracy 7.2 Test Samples 8 Type Tests (Design Tests) 8.1 General 8.2 Insulation Withstand Tests on the Arrester Housing 8.3 Residual Voltage Tests 8.4 Long-duration Current Impulse Withstand Test 8.5 Operating Duty Tests 8.6 Tests of Arrester Disconnectors/Fault Indicators 8.7 Short-circuit Tests 8.8 Internal Partial Discharge Tests 8.9 Test of the Bending Load 8.10 Environmental Tests 8.11 Seal Leak Rate Test 8.12 Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) Test 8.13 Artificial Pollution Test 8.14 Continuous Current Test 8.15 Power-frequency Reference Voltage Test 8.16 DC Reference Voltage Test 8.17 Leak Current Test at 0.75 Ud.c.ref 8.18 Current Distribution Test for Multi-column Arrester 8.19 High Current Impulse Withstand Test 9 Routine Tests, Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests and Sample Tests 9.1 Routine Tests 9.2 Acceptance Tests 9.3 Periodic Tests 9.4 Sample Test 10 Polymer-housed Arrester 10.1 Scope 10.2 Normative References 10.3 Terms and Definitions 10.4 Identification and Classification 10.5 Standard Ratings and Service Conditions 10.6 Technical Requirements 10.7 Test Requirements 10.8 Type Tests (Design tests) 10.9 Routine Tests, Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests and Sample Tests 11 Test Requirements on Gas-insulated Metal Enclosed Arresters (GIS-arresters) 11.1 Scope 11.2 Normative References 11.3 Terms and Definitions 11.4 Identification and Classification 11.5 Standard Ratings and Service Conditions 11.6 Requirements 11.7 Test Requirements 11.8 Type Test (Design Tests) 11.9 Routine Tests, Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests and Sample Tests 11.10 Test after Erection on Site 12 Separable and Dead-front Arresters 12.1 Scope 12.2 Normative References 12.3 Terms and Definitions 12.4 Identification and Classification 12.5 Standard Ratings and Service Conditions 12.6 Requirements 12.7 Test Requirements 12.8 Type Tests (Design Tests) 12.9 Routine Tests, Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests and Sample Tests 13 Liquid-immersed Arresters 13.1 Scope 13.2 Normative References 13.3 Terms and Definitions 13.4 Identification and Classification 13.5 Standard Ratings and Service Conditions 13.6 Requirements 13.7 General Testing Procedure 13.8 Type Tests (Design Tests) 13.9 Routine Tests, Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests and Sample Tests Annex A (Normative) Abnormal Service Conditions Annex B (Normative) Test to Verify Thermal Equivalency between Complete Arrester and Arrester Section Annex C (Normative) Requirements for High Lightning Duty Arresters for Voltage Range 1kV to 52kV Annex D (Normative) Procedure to Verify the Power-frequency Voltage-versus-time Characteristics of an Arrester Annex E (Informative) Guide to Selection of Line Discharge Class Annex F (Normative) Artificial Pollution Test with Respect to the Thermal Stress on Porcelain-housed Multi-unit Metal-oxide Surge Arresters F.1 Glossary F.2 General F.3 Classification of Site Severity F.4 Preliminary Heating Test: Measurement of the Thermal Time Constant τ and Calculation of β F.5 Verification of the Need to Perform the Pollution Tests F.6 General Requirements for the Pollution Test F.7 Test Procedures F.8 Evaluation of Test Results F.9 Example Annex G (Informative) Typical Information Given with Enquiries and Tenders G.1 Information Given with Enquiry G.2 Information Given with Tender Annex H (Informative) Typical Circuit for High Current Impulse Operating Duty Test Annex I (Informative) Typical Circuit for a Distributed Constant Impulse Generator for the Long Duration Current Impulse Withstand Test Annex J (Normative) Typical Maximum Residual Voltages Annex K (Informative) Ageing Test Procedure-Arrhenius law-Problems with Higher Temperatures Annex L (Informative) Guide for the Determination of the Voltage Distribution along Metal-oxide Surge Arresters L.1 General L.2 Modelling of the Surge Arrester L.3 Modelling of the Boundary Conditions L.4 Calculation Procedures L.5 Example of Calculation Annex M (Normative) Mechanical Considerations M.1 Test of Bending Moment M.2 Seismic Test M.3 Definition of Mechanical Loads M.4 Definition of Seal Leak Rate M.5 Calculation of Wind-bending-moment Annex N (Normative) Test procedure to Determine the Lightning Impulse Discharge Capability N.1 General N.2 Selection of Test Samples N.3 Test Procedure N.4 Test Parameters for the Lightning Impulse Discharge Capability Test N.5 Measurements during the Lightning Impulse Discharge Capability Test N.6 Rated Lightning Impulse Discharge Capability N.7 List of Rated Energy Values N.8 List of Rated Charge Values Annex O (Informative) Artificial Pollution Test Methods O.1 Pollution Classification O.2 Test O.3 Test Evaluation Annex P (Informative) Packing, Transport and Storage P.1 Packing P.2 Technical Document Provided along with Products P.3 Transport and Storage Annex Q (Informative) Main Technical Differences and their Reasons between this Standard and IEC 60099-4: Annex R (Informative) Comparison between This Standard and IEC 60099-4:2006 in Terms of Chapter and Article Numbers Appendix S (Informative) Key Technical Parameters of 1,000 kV Surge Arresters for Ultra-high Voltage (UHV) Test & Demonstration Projects