1 Scope
This standard specifies the content, procedure and methods for autopsy in forensic medicine.
This standard applies to judicial anutopsy made by public security bureaux, procuratorates, courts and justice bureaux, as well as medical colleges and universities.
2 General Provisions
2.1 Purpose
This standard is formulated to provide a complete and unified method and procedure for autopsy in forensic medicine and lay the foundation for future recheck and international exchange.
2.2 Requirements for environment and instruments of autopsy in forensic medicine
2.2.1 Autopsy in forensic medicine shall be carried out in a qualified autopsy room with certain equipment. The equipment requirements for autopsy room are detailed in Annex A (informative).
2.2.2 If site autopsy is needed in the rural areas and remote mountainous areas, make adequate preparation, including taking a complete set of autopsy instruments, stationary liquid and vessels for holding the materials checked, select well-lit and quiet place, apply portable anatomy bed or temporary autopsy table and respect the local manners and custom. If neither sufficient light on site nor above conditions are provided, the legal medical expert shall refuse the autopsy considering the possibilities of misdiagnose and missed diagnosis.
2.2.3 Basic instruments necessary for autopsy in forensic medicine are detailed in Annex B (informative).
2.2.4 Autopsy instrument must be clean and arranged regularly to avoid cross contamination.
3 Autopsy
3.1 Classification of autopsy in forensic medicine
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 General Provisions
3 Autopsy
Annex A (Informative) Facility Requirements in Autopsy Room
Annex B (Informative) Basic Apparatus for Autopsy in Forensic Medicine
Annex C (Informative) Weight and Size of Normal Organs
(Weight in g, and Size in cm)