is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces FZ/T 73037-2010 Knitted Sports Socks and the following technical deviations have been made with respect to FZ/T 73037-2010 (the previous edition):
— Modification of the application scope of this standard (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2010);
— Modification of the guide language for normative references (see Clause 2; Clause 2 of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the term “hosiery size”, and modification of the partial written description of the original term and definition of elastic compression ribbons (see Clause 3; Clause 3 of Edition 2010);
— Modification of the product classification (see Clause 4; Clause 4 of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the relevant words such as bursting strength and antibacterial effect in the specific requirements (see 5.1; 5.1 of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the illustration of "moving ankle socks" (see Figure 1);
— Adjustment of the requirements of size deviation (see 5.3.2; of Edition 2010);
— Modification of “the width of elastic compression ribbons as a mesh will not be assessed” to “the width of elastic compression ribbons as a overall mesh will not be assessed” (see 5.3.2; of Edition 2010);
— Deletion of the grading requirement specification and size (see 5.3.2 of Edition 2010);
— Modification of the values of weft-wide and warp-wide stretching values, and adjustment of the assessment indexes of elastic compression ribbons (see 5.4.1; of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the assessment indexes of bursting strength and antibacterial effect, and addition of test methods (see 5.4.2, 6.4.7, 6.4.8);
— Combination of the Tables 19 and 20 of original standard into Table 6 of this standard and adjustment of some indexes, and deletion of two assessment differences (see 5.4.2; and 5.4.2 of Edition 2010);
— Modification of the internal quality sampling requirements (see 6.1.2; 6.1 of Edition 2010);
— Elaboration of the test conditions for the values of weft-wide and warp-wide stretching (see 6.3.2; 6.2.2 of Edition 2010);
— Adjustment of the description mode of the test position, addition of the test position for weft-wide stretching values at the boot width, the test position for weft-wide stretching values at the sole width, and elaboration of the text description for the test operation of the warp-wide stretching of the sole (see; of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the schematic diagram of clamping position for warp-wide stretching test of the sole (see Figure 4);
— Clearly specify the tension values of the d test (see; of Edition 2010);
— Modification of the sampling sites of fiber content test (see 6.4.2 and 8.1.1; 6.3.4 and 8.1.1 of Edition 2010);
— Elaboration of the partial text description in the specification notes (see 8.1.2; 8.1.2 of Edition 2010);
— Addition of the notes on antibacterial effect (see 8.1.3).
This standard was proposed by China National Textile and Apparel Council.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 209 on Textiles of Standardization Administration of China, Subcommittee 6 on Knitting Goods (SAC/TC 209/SC 6).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
— FZ/T 73037-2010.
Knitted Sports Socks
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, requirements, test methods, judgment rules, product instructions, packaging, transportation and storage of knitted sports socks.
This standard is applicable to the quality identification of knitted sports socks, but not applicable to the knitted sports socks with special requirements.
This standard is not applicable to the hosieries for infants and young children of 36 months or below.
Note: special requirements refer to professional competitive sports socks.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 250 Textiles — Tests for Colour Fastness — Grey Scale for Assessing Change in Colour
GB/T 2910 (all parts) Textiles — Quantitative Chemical Analysis
GB/T 2912.1 Textiles — Determination of Formaldehyde — Part 1: Free and Hydrolyzed Formaldehyde (Water Extraction Method)
GB/T 3920 Textiles — Tests for Color Fastness — Color Fastness to Rubbing
GB/T 3921-2008 Textiles — Tests for Colour Fastness — Colour Fastness to Washing with Soap or Soap and Soda
GB/T 3922 Textiles — Tests for Color Fastness — Color Fastness to Perspiration
GB/T 4856 Package of Cotton Goods and Knitwear
GB/T 5296.4 Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest — Instructions for Use of Textiles and Apparel
GB/T 5713 Textiles — Tests for Color Fastness — Color Fastness to Water
GB/T 7573 Textiles — Determination of pH of Aqueous Extract
GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgment of Limiting Values
GB/T 16988 Quantitative Determination for Mixtures of Special Animal Fibre and Wool
GB/T 17592 Textiles — Determination of the Banned Azo Colorants
GB 18401 National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products
FZ/T 30003 Method for Quantitative Analysis of Ramie (Flax Hemp) Cotton Blended Textile — Micro Projection
FZ/T 73023-2006 Antibacterial Knitwear
GSB 16-2159 Knitwear Standard Depth Scale (1/12)
GSB 16-2610 Defect Apprearance Replicas of Hosiery
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
hosiery size
length of human foot sole expressed in centimeters (cm), which is a basis for the design of hosiery sole length
sports socks
socks have at least a elastic compression ribbons in at the positions of sole concave and ankle, and play a role of protection during sports
elastic compression ribbons
adding rubber core yarn or other elastic fibers to the sole concave and ankle part, so that the part can have a tight feeling when wearing, and play a role of fixation and protection during sports
moving ankle socks
sports socks with elastic compression ribbons at the center of the sole concave, and with stocking welt at the ankle and below
crew sports socks
sport socks with elastic compression ribbons at the center of the sole concave or at ankle of the boot, and the stocking welt is under the calf
kneehigh sports socks
sport socks with elastic compression ribbons at the center of the sole concave or at ankle of the boot, and the stocking welt is under the knee
overknee sports socks
sport socks with elastic compression ribbons at the center of the sole concave or at ankle of the boot, and the stocking welt is above the knee
4 Product Classification
4.1 Sports socks can be classified into moving ankle socks, crew sports socks, kneehigh sports socks and overknee sports socks according to the style.
4.2 Sports socks can be classified into terry knitted sport socks, half terry knitted sport socks and non-terry knitted sport socks according to the structure.
5 Requirements
5.1 Specific requirements
The requirements are divided into inherent quality requirements and appearance quality requirements. Appearance quality include specification and size deviation, surface defect and sewing specifications. Inherent quality include weft-wide stretching value, warp-wide stretching value, fibre content, formaldehyde content, pH value, peculiar smell, decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, bursting strength, antibacterial effect, colour fastness to water, colour fastness to perspiration, colour fastness to rubbing, colour fastness to soaping.
5.2 Grading requirements
5.2.1 Quality grading: hosieries in pairs (pieces) are graded as first-grade product and acceptable product.
5.2.2 Quality rating: graded by batches in terms of inherent quality and by pieces in terms of appearance quality, and shall take the lowest grade in case of a combination of both.
5.3 Appearance quality requirements
5.3.1 The requirements for the name of each part of knitted sports socks are shown in Figure 1 to Figure 3.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Product Classification 5 Requirements 6 Test Methods 7 Judgment Rules 8 Product Instructions, Packaging, Transportation and Storage