This standard replaces EJ/T 972-1995 Criteria for fuel oil systems design for safety-related emergency diesel generators of nuclear power plant. The preparation of this standard has fully absorbed the relevant technologies and experiences in the design, manufacture, test and maintenance of the fuel oil systems of domestic nuclear power plants, and referred to the requirements and relevant standards for fuel oil systems design for safety-related emergency diesel generators of foreign nuclear power plants.
The following main changes have been made with respect to EJ/T 972-1995:
a) The application scope of this standard is changed:
b) The reference standard number is modified accordingly;
c) The factors that shall be considered for the calculation of the storage of supply tanks and day tanks are added;
d) The provision that the supply tank shall have an interface connected with the permanently or temporarily installed fuel oil circulation/filtration device is added;
e) The provision that the supply tank may adopt double-wall structure to ensure its integrity is added;
f) The provision that the fuel oil system shall provide sampling measures for day tanks and supply tanks is added;
g) The requirements for the arrangement of supply tanks and some equipment are added.
Annexes A, B and C of this standard are informative.
This standard was proposed by China National Nuclear Corporation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Institute for Standardization of Nuclear Industry.
Drafting organization of this standard: Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute.
Chief drafters of this standard: Fang Wenzhi and Zhao Xiaoliang.
This standard was issued in July 1995 for the first time.
Criteria for fuel oil systems design for safety-related emergency diesel generators of nuclear power plant
1 Scope
This standard specifies the design requirements of fuel oil system and its components for emergency diesel generators of nuclear power plants, including the functions, characteristics, test and maintenance methods of the system.
This standard applies to all mechanical equipment and their instruments and control function requirements from the supply tank to the interface between the fuel oil system and the diesel engine (including the interface), excluding the equipment directly installed on the diesel engine block.
This standard does not cover motors, motor control centers, switch cabinets, cables and other electrical equipment required for fuel oil system operation, except for electrical equipment required for defining interfaces.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply to this standard. However parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 252 Light diesel fuels
GB/T 380 Determination of sulfur content in petroleum products (lamp method)
GB/T 511 Petroleum products and additives - Determination of mechanical impurities - Gravimetric method
GB/T 12788 Criteria for class 1E power systems for nuclear power plants
GB/T 16702 Design code for mechanical components in nuclear island of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants
GB/T 17569 Classification for the items of pressurized water reactor nuclear power pants
GBJ 16 Code for fire protection design of buildings
EJ/T 570 Single failure criteria for pressurized water reactor safety-related fluid systems
EJ/T 625 Criteria for diesel-generator units applied as standby power supplies for nuclear power generating stations
HAD 102/11 Fire protection for nuclear power plant
HAD 102/13 Nuclear power plant emergency power system
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
emergency diesel generator
diesel generator that meets the requirements of HAD 102/13, is designed according to EJ/T 625 and provides emergency power in accordance with GB 12788
fill line
line composed of pipes, valves and filters set up to replenish fuel oil to the supply tank
fuel oil system
complete set of equipment to provide fuel oil to emergency diesel generators of nuclear power plant, including pumps, supply tanks, fuel oil tanks, pipes, valves, fill lines and vent lines, etc. The "system" here includes the equipment that supplies fuel oil to all diesel generators of the nuclear power plant
fuel oil subsystem
part of a fuel oil system that supplies fuel oil to a single diesel generator
minimum diesel generator capacity
minimum power output of diesel generator required to prevent unacceptable consequences and ensure the operation of the minimum key equipment under the design basis event of nuclear power plant
protected area
area surrounded by a physical barrier and controlled for access
day tank
one or more fuel oil tanks that directly supply fuel oil to the corresponding diesel engine
integral tank
fuel oil tank provided by the diesel engine manufacturer and installed on the diesel engine (the capacity of the integral tank may be included in determining the capacity of the day tank as described in 6.5.1)
supply tank
separate container that provides fuel oil to the day tank or the integral tank
vital area
area containing nuclear safety-related equipment
4 System functions
The fuel oil system shall be able to provide sufficient fuel oil for the emergency diesel generator under the design basis event, and meet the single failure criteria specified in EJ/T 570.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 System functions 5 System description 6 System performance requirements 7 Design requirements Annex A (Informative) Description of typical subsystem Annex B (Informative) Alternative method for calculation of fuel oil storage Annex C (Informative) Recommended fuel oil disposal requirements
ICS 27.120.20 F 83 备案号:15836-2005 EJ 中华人民共和国核行业标准 EJ/T 972—2005 代替EJ/T 972-1995
核电厂应急柴油发电机组 燃油系统设计准则 Criteria for fuel oil systems design for safety-related emergency diesel generators of nuclear power plant