This standard specifies the basic requirements in radiation shield design of pressurized water reactor plant.
This standard is applicable to radiation shield design of pressurized water reactor plant.
2 Normative References
The provisions of the following standard, through reference in this standard, constitute the provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest edition of the standards indicated below.
GB 8703-88 Regulations for Radiation Protection
GB 13976-92 Radioactive source item under the condition of operating pressurized water reactor plant.
3 General Provisions
3.1 In accordance with relevant regulations in GB 8703-88, this design criterion is formulated in behalf of guaranteeing the radiation safety of nuclear power plant staffs and residents around.
3.2 All the settings of radiation protection facilities shall comply with this design criterion.
3.3 Purpose of shield design: to ensure the receptive equivalent dose of external radiation exposure by nuclear power plant staffs and residents below the relevant design goal value; to ensure the radiation safety of reactor pressure vessels and materials.
3.4 Primary mission of shield design
3.4.1 Calculations of the radiation source intensity and its distribution include calculating the distribution of reactor body neutrons and Y Ray source under the conditions of reactor load power operation, reactor shutdown, fuel handling and different kinds of emergency working conditions; the activity and distribution of radioactive fission product, corrosion products as well as different kinds of nuclear reaction products in both main and accessory systems; and the radiation source and distribution of depositing and conveying systems and equipments that having radioactive substances.
3.4.2 Determine the radicalization subzone of plant building in nuclear power plant, and measure the design goal value.
3.4.3 Consider the impact of potential exposure. Make the shield design of master control room and emergency management centers in design basis accident and some severe accidents. Analyze the habitability of the master control room and the accessibility of some accidental regions.
3.4.4 Choose the method of calculating reducing of neutron and Y Ray and corresponding matching parameters.
3.4.5 Choose shield materials, protocol way of arrangement, and confirm the thickness of the shield.
3.4.6 Give radiation fields of each typical position of both main and accessory plant buildings under different kinds of conditions, and provide reference to the safety operation and repair of reactors, radiation monitoring as well as instrumental irradiation life design.
3.4.7 Cooperate with process system related to nuclear power plant and diversified type of works such as ventilation water supply and drainage and civil work, and implement each design requirements comprehensively.
3.5 Under the premise of security, shield design shall conform the principle of reducing volume, weight and cost of construction as much as possible. An optimized comparison shall be made to the conceptual design. The principle “convenience for the operation of both operators and maintainers” shall also be implemented in the design.
Contents Forward I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 General Provisions 4 Reference of shield design 5 Reference of Calculation for Radiation Source Intensity and Distribution 6 Selection of Shield Material 7 Shield Design and Calculation