This standard specifies the application conditions, system performance, component performance, test items, setting principles, technical documents, packing, transportation and storage of AC exciter excitation system and potential source static excitation system for large turbine generators.
This standard is applicable to the AC exciter excitation system and potential source static excitation system for 200MW or above turbine generators; excitation system for turbine generators below 200MW may be implemented by reference to this standard.
As for the self-compound excitation system, the performance requirements of compounding excitation unit shall be jointly specified by the supplier and the demander, and other requirements may refer to this standard.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1094 (All Parts) Power Transformers
GB/T 3797 Electrical Control Assemblies
GB/T 3859 (All Parts) Semiconductor Convertors
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code)
GB/T 7064 Specific Requirements for Cylindrical Rotor Synchron
GB/T 7409 (All Parts) Excitation Systems for Synchronous Machines
GB/T 10228 Specification and Technical Requirements for Dry-type Power Transformers
GB/T 14285 Technical Code for Relaying Protection and Security Automatic Equipment
GB/T 14598.13 Electrical Relays - Part 22-1: Electrical Disturbance Tests for Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment - 1MHz Burst Immunity Tests
GB 19517 National Safety Technical Code for Electric Equipment
GB 50150 Standard for Hand-over Test of Electric Equipment Electric Equipment Installation Engineering
DL/T 478 General Specifications for Static Protection, Security and Automatic Equipment
DL/T 596 The Preventive Test Work for Electric Equipment Regulation
JB/T 7784 Technical Requirements of AC Exciter for Turbine-type Synchronous Generators
JB/T 7828 Specification for Package, Storage and Transportation of Relay and Equipment
JB/T 9578 Specification for Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Application Conditions 5 System Performance 6 Component Performance 7 Test 8 Technical documents 9 Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage Appendix A (Normative) Setting Principle of Over-excitation Limit Appendix B (Normative) Setting Principle of Under-excitation Limit Appendix C (Normative) Setting Principle of Voltage Regulation Ratio Appendix D (Normative) Setting Principle of Power System Stabilizer Appendix E (Informative) Test Method