This standard specifies the rules and methods of the test for determinating one or more performance characteristics (status point) of fans installed in an operational circuit.
This standard is applicable to seal fans including air supply fan, induced draft fan, primary air fan, pulverized coal exhauster, gas recirculating fan, booster fan for flue gas desulfurization device, and seal fan for coal mill. And small scale fans, used for other boilers, such as lighting fan and cooling fan, may reference this standard.
This standard doesn't involve noise test, vibration test and mechanical running trial.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these labels are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2624 "Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Orifice Plates, Nozzles and Venturi Tubes Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full" (eqv. ISO 5167-1)
GB/T 1236 Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways
GB/T 1032-1985 Test procedure for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 5321-1985 Measurement of loss and efficiency for large AC electrical machines by the calorimetric method (neq. IEC 34-2A 1974)
GB/T 1311-1989 Test procedure for direct current machines (neq. IEEE 113 1973)
DL/T 468 Guide on type selection and application for power boiler fans
IEC 60051-8 Direct Acting Indicating Analogue Electrical Measuring Instruments and Their Accessories Part 8: Special Requirements for Accessories
3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols
3.1 Term and Definition
For the purposes of this national standard, the following terms and definitions are applied.
The quantities being measured
The quantities referred to are time-averaged mean values. Fluctuations which affect the quantities being measured may be accounted for by repeating measurements at appropriate time intervals. Mean values may then be calculated which are taken as the steady-state value.
Standard air
Atmospheric air having a density of exactly 1.2kg/m3
NOTE: Atmospheric air at a temperature of 16 °C, a pressure of 100 000 Pa and a relative humidity of 65 %, has a density of l.2kg/m3, but these conditions are not part of the definition.
Rotary machine which maintains a continuous flow of air at a pressure ratio not normally exceeding 1.3
Rotating part of a fan which, by means of its blades, transfers energy to the air
Those stationary parts of a fan which direct the flow of air from the fan inlet opening(s) to the fan outlet opening(s)
Airway in which the air velocity is comparable with that at the fan inlet or outlet
Airway in which the air velocity is small compared with that at the fan inlet or outlet
Transition piece section
Airway along which there is a gradual change of cross-sectional area and/or shape
Test enclosure
Room, or other space protected from draught, in which the fan and test airways are situated
Area of the conduit section Aχ
Area of the conduit at section x
Fan inlet area A1
By convention, the gross area in the inlet plane inside the casing
NOTE: The fan inlet plane should be taken as that surface bounded by the upstream extremity of the air moving device. In this International Standard the fan inlet plane is indicated by plane 1 (see Figure 1).
By convention, the gross area in the outlet plane inside the casing without deduction for motors, fairings or other obstructions
NOTE: The fan outlet plane should be taken as that surface bounded by the downstream extremity of the air moving device. In this International Standard the outlet is indicated by plane 2 (see Figure 1).
Temperature t (℃)
Air or fluid temperature measured by a temperature sensor
Absolute temperature θ (K)
Thermodynamic temperature measured above absolute zero
θ=t+273.15 (1)
Stagnation temperature θsg
Absolute temperature which results if an ideal gas flow is brought to rest isentropically without addition of energy or heat
NOTE: The stagnation temperature is constant along an airway, and for an inlet duct is equal to the absolute ambient temperature in the test enclosure.
Static or fluid temperature θ
Absolute temperature of a thermal sensor moving at the fluid velocity
ν——fluid velocity, m/s;
cp——Specific heat at constant pressure , J/(kg·K).
Dry bulb temperature td
Air temperature measured by a dry temperature sensor in the test enclosure, near the fan inlet or airway inlet
Wet bulb temperature tw
Air temperature measured by a temperature sensor covered by a water-moistened wick and exposed to air in motion
NOTE: When properly measured, it is a close approximation of the temperature of adiabatic saturation.
Stagnation temperature at a section θsgχ
Mean value in time of the stagnation temperature averaged over the area of the specified airway cross section
Static or fluid temperature at a section θχ
Mean value in time of the static or fluid temperature averaged over the area of the specified airway cross section
Specific gas constant R
For an ideal gas, the equation of state is written:
Inlet stagnation temperature θsg1
Temperature in the test enclosure near the fan inlet or the inlet duct at a section where the fluid velocity is less than 25 m/s
NOTE: In this case the stagnation temperature may be considered equal to the ambient temperature
θsg1=θa=ta+273.15 (4)
Isentropic exponent K
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols 3.1 Term and Definition 3.2 Symbol 4 Quantities to be Measured 5 General Conditions and Procedures Concerning in Situ Tests 5.1 General recommendations 5.2 Selection of test point when only the system resistance can be varied 5.3 Fans fitted with adjustment devices 5.4 System throttling devices allowing the system resistance to be altered 5.5 Selection of the test point when the system resistance cannot be varied 5.6 When correction of the coefficient deduced from the test is not necessary 6 Instrumentation 6.1 Instrumentation for measurement of pressure 6.2 Measurement of air velocity 6.3 Measurement of temperature 6.4 Determination of density 6.5 Measurement of rotational speed 7 Determination of fan pressure 7.1 Location of pressure measurement plane 7.2 Measurement of fan pressure 8 Determination of flowrate 8.1 Choice of measuring method 8.2 Choice of measuring section 8.3 Determination of flowrate using differential pressure devices 8.4 Determination of flowrate by velocity area methods 9 Determination of Power 10 Uncertainty Associated with the Determination of Fan Performance 11 Application Guidelines 12 Test report Annex A (Normative) Annex B (Normative) Annex C (Normative) Annex D (Informative) Annex E (Informative) Annex F (Informative) Annex G (Informative) Annex H (Informative)