is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
0 Introduction
The Rules was prepared based on the safety risks and certification risks of explosion-proof electrical products, and it stipulates the basic principles and requirements for implementation of compulsory product certification for explosion-proof electrical products.
The Rules shall be used in conjunction with the general implementation rules issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA), such as the Implementation rules for Compulsory product Certification - Factory Classification, Certification Mode Selection and Determination, the Implementation rules for Compulsory product Certification - Utilization of factory’s Test Resources and Other Certification Result, the Implementation rules for Compulsory Product Certification - Requirements for Factory’s Quality Assurance Capability and the Implementation rules for Compulsory Product Certification - General Requirement for factory inspection.
The certification body shall, in accordance with the requirements of general implementation rules and the Rules, prepare the detailed rules for the implementation of certification, and implement such detailed rules together with the general implementation rules and the Rules.
Factories shall ensure the continued compliance of its certified products with the certification requirements.
1 Application scope
The Rules is applicable to Classes I, II and III explosion-proof electrical products, including the following categories: explosion-proof motors; explosion-proof electric pumps; explosion-proof power distribution equipment; explosion-proof switches, control and protection products; explosion-proof starters; explosion-proof transformers; explosion-proof electric actuators, solenoid valves; explosion-proof plug devices; explosion-proof monitoring products; explosion-proof communication and signal devices; explosion-proof air conditioning and ventilation equipment; explosion-proof electrical heating products; explosion-proof accessories and Ex components; explosion-proof instruments; explosion-proof sensors; products like safety barriers; products like explosion-proof instrument boxes.
The adjustment to the application scope due to changes in laws and regulations or related product standards, technologies, industrial policies and other factors, shall be subject to the announcement issued by CNCA.
2 Certification standards
Explosion-proof electrical products shall be certified according to the standards applicable to their types of protection. The explosion-proof types of products may be one of or a combination of the following.
S.N. Type of explosion protection Standard
General standard Specialized standard
1 By flameproof enclosures “d” GB 3836.1 GB 3836.2
2 By increased safety “e” GB 3836.3
3 By intrinsic safety "i" GB 3836.4
4 By pressurized enclosure "p” GB/T 3836.5
5 By liquid immersion “o” GB/T 3836.6
6 By powder filling “q” GB/T 3836.7
7 By type of protection "n” GB 3836.8
8 By type of protection "m” GB 3836.9
9 By intrinsic safety "iD”/in the presence of combustible dust GB 12476.1 GB 12476.4
10 By enclosures “tD” GB 12476.5
11 By encapsulation "mD" GB 12476.6
12 Type of protection "pD” GB 12476.7
In principle, the current valid versions of the above standards issued by the national standardization administrative department shall apply. In case of any revision to the above standards, the requirements of the documents on them issued by CNCA shall prevail.
3 Certification mode
The basic mode for compulsory certification of explosion-proof electrical products is as follows:
Type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision
The post-certification supervision refers to either of the post-certification follow-up inspection and sampling testing or inspection on the production site, or their combination.
The certification body shall, according to the requirements of the Implementation rules for Compulsory product Certification- Factory classification, certification mode selection and determination, implement classification management of factories, and determine the post-certification supervision methods and frequencies according to the classification management results, with the initial factory inspection on expanded items to be omissible.
4 Certification unit division
In principle, the application units are divided according to the equipment classification, types of explosion protection, product categories, explosion-proof structure and safety parameters of explosion-proof electrical products.
For the same products of the same producer but from different factories, or the same products of different producers but from the same factory, the type test may only be conducted on the samples of one unit; for the products of other producers/factories, the data for consistency inspection shall be provided for such purpose.
The certification body shall, in accordance with the relevant documents issued by CNCA, specify the specific requirements for unit division in the detailed rules for the implementation of certification.
5 Application for certification
5.1 Proposing and handling of certification application
The certification client shall propose certification application to the certification body, which shall handle the proposal and feed back to the certification client whether it accepts or rejects the proposal within the time limit specified in the detailed rules for the implementation of certification.
The certification body shall not accept the application where the national laws & regulations and relevant industrial policies are not met.
5.2 Application data
The certification body shall specify the list of application data (at least including certification application form, contract, or registration certificate of certification client/producer/factory) in the detailed rules for implementation of certification, according to the requirements of laws, regulations and standards and as necessary for certification implementation.
The certification client shall provide the necessary data as per the list of application data in the detailed rules for the implementation of certification. The certification body is in charge of the review, management, preservation and confidentiality of relevant data, and shall inform the certification client of the result of review.
5.3 Implementation arrangements
The certification body shall reach an agreement with the certification client on their relevant responsibilities and arrangements in each link of implementing the certification, and determine the specific scheme for implementation of the certification and inform the certification client according to the actual situations and classification of the factories and the requirements of the Rules and the detailed rules for the implementation of certification.
0 Introduction 1 Application scope 2 Certification standards 3 Certification mode 4 Certification unit division 5 Application for certification 5.1 Proposing and handling of certification application 5.2 Application data 5.3 Implementation arrangements 6 Implementation of certification 6.1 Type test 6.2 Initial factory inspection 6.3 Certification evaluation and decision 6.4 Certification time limits 7 Post-certification supervision 7.1 Post-certification follow-up inspection 7.2 Sampling testing or inspection on production site 7.3 Frequency and time of post-certification supervision 7.4 Record of post-certification supervision 7.5 Evaluation on post-certification supervision result 8 Certification certificate 8.1 Maintenance of certificate 8.2 Changes in products covered by the certificate 8.3 Extension of products applicable to a certification certificate 8.4 Cancellation, suspension and withdrawal of certification certificate 8.5 Use of certification certificate 9 Certification mark 9.1 Mark style 9.2 Application position of mark 10 Charges 11 Responsibilities for certification 12 Detailed rules for the implementation of certification