This standard specifies the terms, definitions, classification, model, structure, material, requirements, test methods, test rules, marking, label, service instruction, packaging, transportation and storage of shut-off valves and relief valves for the city gas (excluding liquefied petroleum gas) distribution system (hereinafter referred to as slam-shut valves and relief valves).
Shut-off valves in this standard are applicable to gas self shut-off valves which use the city gas (excluding liquefied petroleum gas) as the working medium, and adopt the gas flow through the valve as the driving source, and is provided with an inlet pressure not greater than 4.0MPa, an operating temperature range of -20℃~60℃ and a nominal diameter not greater than DN300.
Relief valves in this standard are applicable to gas self pressure relief valves which use the city gas (excluding liquefied petroleum gas) as the working medium, and adopt the gas flow through the valve as the driving source, and is provided with a set pressure not greater than 0.1MPa, an operating temperature range of -20℃~60℃ and a nominal diameter not greater than DN200.
This standard is not applicable to slam-shut valves and relief valves used for indoor gas system.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification and Model 5 Structure and Materials 6 Shut-off Valve 7 Relief Valves 8 Inspection Rules 9 Marking, Labels and Instructions 10 Packaging, Transportation and Storage Appendix A (Informative) Structural Differences between this Standard and EN 14382: 2005 Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard and EN 14382:2005 and Causes Appendix C (Informative) Diagram of the Relatching Differences of Shut-off Valves Appendix D (Informative) Structural Diagrams for Shut-off Valve and Relief Valve Appendix E (Informative) Service Life of Rubber Pieces